Rich Brooks (left) and Earl Miller work on the latest cake. And yes, that's my Ozzie figurine on top. It's the only time I place him on a cake before completion! |
Since its been quite awhile that I've posted on here, I'd like to bring you up to speed. As far as the cakes, there have been plenty of news (good, bad, sad, etc.).
- Yes, there is a new cake in the works (see next paragraph)
- 2014 is almost over, and as I write this (on December 15th), some of the cakes will go to people, or high bidders. Short version of the story: I found out two days ago that close to 100 cake location homes are donating their cakes back to stl250. The stl250 organization decided to put them up for auction. Today is the first day for bids, and so far these cakes are now in demand. I'll give you an example: Mark Swain's Tower Grove cake is now at $255! Bids start at $100 for each cake. For more information and how you can bid (as well as seeing a list of what's available and how much you'll have to figure out what's in your bank account!), visit https://www.biddingforgood.com/auction/auctionhome.action?auctionId=228222228.
- The Imo's cake still hasn't returned to its original spot after its been gone for two months now (since October). It is still in question if it will ever come back. (sad face)
- The second traveling cake (the rainbow cake) never made an appearance, at least not in public. Yup, we're still waiting.
- The cartoon/'Let's Celebrate' cake has made some appearances around the area, including AKC's Museum of the Dog. As I write this, it was at the Edison Theater on 12/13 and 14th. But I don't know if its still there...
- Sadly, some of the cakes have shown plenty of wear. What to expect, right? Especially after sitting outside all year in different kinds of weather. But I'd like to add that I've seen way too many people let their kids stand and do whatever to the cake. I've also seen more graffiti on some. Have some respect, people!
- I'm currently working on a website for a small business that I've helped out with for a while, called stl250 Cake Lovers! The website is http://www.stlouis250cakelovers.com. It is mostly focused on selling crafts, postcards, and many different items that are related to the cakes. I am putting several pictures and information about each cakes (and their locations) on the site, so I'm keeping busy while having fun! I will be continuously posting on that site soon. I've even interviewed Mark Swain and Rich Brooks and the Q-and-A part will be posted shortly. The woman I'm working with, Francine, recently told me that it may replace the current stl250.org site early next year. If so, I'm very thrilled about that!
Lindsay Harmon (left) and her mother, Gina work on their circles on the 'Reunion cake' |
It was decided to use the last cake mold that was lying around the factory. Apparently, there have been fewer extras than expected. Multi-cake artist Rich Brooks decided to use it as a 'reunion cake' (which he calls it). Basically he got some cake artists together and one by one, they have done their 'circles' on the cake. So far, Dennis Babbitt, Danielle Correll and many others have put their final touches on the last cake. It will definitely be a great masterpiece when completed. It's got a full St. Louis theme on top of it! The cake is currently being worked on (and available for viewing) at the Soulard Art Market.
From left to right: Rich Brooks, Lindsay Harmon, Earl Miller, April Morrison and Theresa Hopkins. Photo courtesy of Linda Gurney. |
And lastly, I hope you get a chance to stop by Soulard Art Market from now (12/15) to January 17, 2015. Rich Brooks conducted a contest/art exhibition there and he invited cake-hunters to submit up to three great photos of cake locations. The exhibition is called 'Where There's Cake'. As long as there was a cake in the picture, it was acceptable. However, the place that hosted the cake had to stand out more than the cake. The exhibition was not just to serve the cakes, but the 250th birthday of St. Louis as well. I've seen plenty of great pictures so far, and amazing paintings and a sculpture too! Some of those pictures are for sale. Three of my photographs are on display (Kiener Plaza, Christ Church Cathedral and Brown Shoe Co.). Check them out while you're in St. Louis and/or the Soulard area!
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