Thursday, July 24, 2014

#189: Opera Theatre Saint Louis

Located just outside the campus of Webster University, comes this world-renowned theater. It is recognized for its innovative ways and their productions. Since 1976, the theater has presented 22 world premieres and 23 American premieres. Among their past productions: Nixon and China, Joruri, The Golden Ticket, and The Death of Klinghoffer. It is also known to be a festival-like experience. Performances are usually accompanied by the Saint Louis Symphony Orchestra.

Perhaps the most notable thing about the place: its attendance. Look, either you love opera or you hate it. That's just the way I see it. We live in an age where opera houses all over the country (and world) are dying. The public often doesn't spend much time anymore in the theatre. That's not the case here. Opera Theatre Saint Louis is among one of the most profitable, according to the Washington Post. A London newspaper once called the Opera Theatre St. Louis 'one of the places that is worth your flight over the Atlantic'!

On a side note, I was very disappointed that I was not going to be able to get the cake at the Webster University parking garage. A few days before I went over to Webster Groves, frequent group contributor Sal Alatorre posted a few pictures of the cake surrounded by red construction tape. Basically there's a lot of construction being done around the campus, which is really ticking off the cake hunters bigtime. And that includes myself. I really hope they get done soon enough, that way Ozzie can sit on another cake.

Opera Theatre Saint Louis on FB
Wikipedia link
Official website

210 Hazel, WEBSTER GROVES, MO, 63119
Cake artist: The Scenic Artists at Opera Theatre Saint Louis

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